Tuesday, November 20

Time to Celebrate....Even if things aren't perfect

Quite often I have been thinking that I don’t celebrate or treat myself as much as I should. We often think that things should and have to be going great in order for us to celebrate and spend some quality alone or treat-time with ourselves. Each day we should be doing this not just on special occasion. Since I have begun meditating and taken some time out for myself daily I have become more in-tuned with myself and opportunities have been presenting themselves right and left. When we nurture and make ourselves smile we place ourselves in a gentler plane which encourages good things in our life. We have to reach out to ourselves as much as we reach out to others and even more than we would like others to reach out to us. It is our duty to keep ourselves happy and smiling. Each day we should celebrate and spend time with ourselves thanking God that we are living, making it, and just keeping it all together---and if it is not sticking together its more important that you start taking time with yourself. Each moment is delicate and effects our next minute we have to begin to understand that all though things may seem a little rough it could be worse and fueling that negative energy is not advised. We should be infusing a positive perspective unto all of the 'negative' frequencies in our life.
As humans we are susceptible and empathic to others but we aren’t as sympathetic and understanding of our own being and positions of failure or disrupt. I say lets all party---and spend a moment or two with ourselves. Below are a few me-time ways to celebrate:

  • With a cup of warm/hot beverage sip and release all negative energies acquired during the day; concentrate on the beverage and how it warms your soul and nurture each sip with an ounce of optimism.
  • Give yourself a nice bath with lots of bubbles. Find joy in how the bubbles rise and seep down into the water as it quenches the aches of your tired body
  • take a walk and internally admire all that the world has to offer. The trees; animals, flowers, and even the whiff of seasonal air which fills your nostrils and brings you life
  • Read a serene book, poem, or your favorite magazine
  • Write down visions or illustrate your dream reality

Do anything that takes your mind off of the day at hand; the day that has passed; and wind down with the moment at hand----doesn’t it feel good; I know it does.

Wednesday, November 14

Please Note:

I have truly been on a hiatus I have so much to share and will soon be back on the blogosphere, dont worry just dont stop visiting me....I will be back in about a week for sure...Muah

Wednesday, October 31

Hard Decisions...& Tough Pills To Swallow

Today I have found myself in a tumultuous battle. My optimism and faith-filled belief that things will come around is conflicting with my current reality. My current reality has placed before me a difficult matter--With that being said I have some hard decisions to make. I have come to this place in my life; where I am trying to rest my burdens and faith on the lord; believing that in due time the Lord will make things good. But my current reality is wagging a war and is fervent with a rather unbecoming message. I am not sure if it is the fact that I am in an uncomfortable place right now; or this suspicion that my current reality has a point.

You are probably wondering what my conflict is well as you know I currently was laid off. In the wake of my unemployment I received my first paid speaking gig and received an assurance from the audience that gives me a host of faith. My want and desire to step out on faith suggests that I continue relentlessly with this blog; put together both my manuscript of poetry and motivational book; while continuing to make myself available for speaking gigs. Now if you were able to read in between the lines there is one uncertainty where will I get the money to make ends meet; as well as where will the money to maintain such projects derive from. As you can see it is my survival at stake if I do not listen to my current reality.

Now my current reality does not care where I work; but demands that I find a job ASAP so that I can keep up with my bills, my necessities, and my material desires. My current reality does not suggest that I take into consideration weather I am truly happy with what I do but that I am able to survive; because reality is there is no one who can pick up my slack. Truth be told the responsibility is mine alone.

But this leaves me with a very large and tough pill to swallow; it seems that my current reality has no faith in God being able to see me through and gather my pieces in time so that I can be happy. My current reality suggests that it is my responsibility to make it happen for myself; and whatever is offered as long as it pays must me considered. With no regard to the fact that most of the Job offers I have been getting are quite frankly mundane; and if given a choice would be the last thing I would want to do.

So what do I do??? Do I step out on faith and seek my own happiness placing my joy in Gods hands; or do I get with reality and take whatever job opportunity that comes my way.

----this is a rather difficult decision to make; you see my reality although it seems pressed to rely on me, it stills has potholes that are filled with God's presence. No opportunity is derived without God's blessing; at least in my eyes. So what do you do when what you desire relies on God and what you can obtain right now just relies on God's blessing.

This for me is a Jonah and the Whale situation. Do I wait for God to come in person or Do I get on the Boat that he may have sent? As you know tough decisions take time and consideration so I will have to let you know later what I have decided on....because I would not be able to tell you right now. One thing I can say is, "either way I leave it in God's hands; for he already knows the decision and path I will take"

"And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not."- Isaiah 58:11

Tuesday, October 30

Dont Fret...

I have not blogged in about 3 days but I am not far away; I have just been working on a couple of things so I have not been able to update my readers...But dont worry I am here; I have one more thing to do before I can dedicate the time I need to keep you posted and encourage better enlightenment; so hold tight I will be back.

I am never too far... I love this to much.

Friday, October 26

My God is Good

As you know from my last post I lost my job; but now I can confirm that it was truly a blessing in disguise. Today I got a call for a job interview at a better job; the poem I submitted for a contest with Poetry.com was advanced to semi-finals for a grand prize of $10,000 (maybe I will win) and I was offered my first paid speaking engagement. I will be speaking at Clinton Highschool in the Bronx with about 50 young ladies who are apart of a highschool club/sorority known as D.I.V.A.S. organized by a very dear sister of mine Isha Haley-James. So it is true God has plans.

The Lord does not lead us astray he takes us to the water and although we may think we are unprepared the Lord knows that the only preparation we need is Him. Having Faith in something bigger, outside of ourselves can map our course before we take a foot and step outside of our bed. The course has been planned; it is our free will and our faith-based actions which determine how long it will take us to get to where we are going.

In trouble waters serenity can be found; sometimes it may be at the deepest & bluest or it may be settling at top the waves but it is there. My peace is with me and as I said yesterday my faith is strong. I remain unmoved and focused on the where the Lord wants to take me.

Lastly, I want to share with you my poem which has received acclamation to move a head.

High Expectations
by Enid Roxsanne Middleton

I'm like a bird caught in an airduct
A mouse on a trap,
A dog on a leash I am not free
Trapped by the ways of this world
As materialistic as it seems
Possessed by greed
And demands to succeed
The expectation of conformity
Have made me a prisoner to this life I lead
At night I cant sleep I despise the person I see
I am bound to this life so selflessly
All I want is to be free
Cut my reins I will flee
And leave behind your expectations for me
no longer will I live selflessly
I must begin to live for me
In my attempt to free myself I leave these words behind
"I cannot be who you want me to be, but at least I tried."
Copyright ©2007 Enid Roxsanne Middleton

Thursday, October 25

Blessing in Disguise

I guess I can start by saying that this is a new day; I am happy for that much. However; its not all good today; I came in to work and found myself laid off due to budget crunches. Now if you have ever been laid off you can only imagine how this feels. I am a recent college grad, I got this job straight out of college--I actually started the day after graduation no break, no time off ; straight to the working world I trodded. I have been here for 5 months; through the summer, and during the most tumultuos time at the firm within that department. It has been interestsing but I guess it is now time to move on.

When I was told that today was my last day, I starred in the LBM's face as if she was a ghost; I could not understand. How do you lay someone off without considering that maybe just maybe you should give them a warning a day or two before you actually let them go. I was stunned; a part of me was bothered and to discuss my frustration would take forever; I cannot bear to recollect on such unpleasent moments. However; there was this larger part of me deep in the pit of my stomach and it floated up into my chest that felt differently. I could only say that my spirit was moving about me but the feeling was not upset; rage; or fear; it was a feeling of hope.

Many people find it hard to see the end as the beginning, but it is. It is the beginning of something else; there is no criteria that suggests that a new beginning is always positive; nor does it always step out on the good foot. A new beggining can be the result of something unfortunate like losing your job. Or it could be your desire and you leave your job.

Losing your job steps out on the bad foot; because sometimes we are not prepared. Leaving your job usually steps out on the good foot because you have made the decision tehrefore you should have prepared your steps. However; although today I was unprepared and should be stepping out on the bad foot; I feel like this is a blessing.

Maybe this change will give me time to do the things I want and maybe just maybe things will pick up so suddenly and successfully that I will never have to turn around again.

You see; I want to be a motivational speaker and author. However, to be such things you often need time to build and get out there. But, maybe just maybe the weeks ahead as I look for a new job will allow me to build a foundation for the career I seek/desire more than anything. So although this may have at first seemed like another turn of bad fortune my spirit has remained unmoved; it will not be broken. My spirit has risen for the occsision and is ready to beat the candy out of the penata. trust me when I say, "I am gonna swing my bat until all the treats come falling down."

Then she said, Let me find favour in thy sight, my lord; for that thou hast comforted me, and for that thou hast spoken friendly unto thine handmaid, though I be not like unto one of thine handmaidens. -Ruth 2:13

Tuesday, October 23

What Holding You Back? (Throwback Excerpt..)

We are “brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous” (Marianne Williamson) human beings yet we fear to accept such things--we are adequate! Adequacy sounds much like a curse word, to many of us. Growing up we hear about all this potential we possess; yet many of us stray left because we fear embracing our individual potentiality. We are frightened by the inevitable trial of failing so much that some of us voluntarily pursue a life of inadequacy.

Failure is one of the few human markers that propose the notion that we will one day be successful in our endeavors. However, too commonly we chalk it up as no more than failure; rather than accepting its likeness to beauty marks and battle wounds of those whom survive and attain success. One must fall in order to understand how it feels to fall; just as one must fail in order to measure what success truly is.

When you are your biggest critic and continue to undermine your small advances in life you are only successful at one thing and that is, holding yourself back.
What is your deepest fear? We all possess some form of fear, but many of us especially minorities are guilty of being fearful of success. It is hard to identify such fear; since it hides stationary beneath the soul, eating away slowly and quietly at your hopes and inspirations; yet it is never boisterous enough to announce its presence. It manifests within us and becomes a part of us. We are blind of its presence until we take the time to look within and identify who we truly are.
As women; we often fear climbing the career ladder too fast. We fear that we will be written off as spinsters, bitches, masculine, and or bag-ladies to name a few. We slowly push towards our goals making sure not to ruffle too many feathers in fear that we will be considered career-obsessed instead of driven.

The fears of most African American’s are masked under the impression that people outside of their individual person are responsible for holding them back; however, it is that type of thinking that later becomes their crutch. This crutch provides a limited line of expectation. No one will expect too much from those possessing the crutch, because “they are oppressed and are simply products of this unfair society” [recite with pity]. However; the underlining reality is that they to want more for themselves but refuse to fall, rise, and take the responsibilities that comes with failing.

This fear of being adequate is definitely not limited to any race or gender; from time to time we all feel like being too adequate could ruin something for us down the line. Growing up I was the little girl who was looked at for early promotion, paid boarding school, special advance programs, and all the like yet when I became a teenager I did everything in my power to perform at a rate lower then my potential. When I had the opportunity to go to college a semester early, I dummied myself down left one credit unfinished just so I could graduate with my senior class. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be apart of the class. Yet; there is something wrong with lowering your worth in your mind to the point where you believe you are not better, and because of that you should remain in school with your peers.

When you equate being successful with being better than others, you will constantly run into Mr. Fear of Adequacy. Unless your desire is to feel superior, then like most human beings you will crave nothing more than to be normal. Normalcy is what fuels this brand of fear.

What is normal? We equate being normal with attaining the minimum average. However; normal should be equated with your desire, passion, and intent to attain your aspirations. If you can find the balance and accept your right to attain such things you will beat the monkey off your back; and the pursuit of being above average when pursing your aspirations will no longer cause you to fear your own adequacy. It is your duty to overachieve and you are doing yourself a true disservice by holding back.
Marianne Williamson says it the best;

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Success is a 7 letter word that we should all try to attain; much like God, Love, Happiness, and Satisfaction. If you can attain all of these you should have no problem discovering your inner light and destiny.

Remember: "To fear your own capabilities is the biggest injustice you can subject yourself and others to." - INK

Monday, October 22

"Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk with out having feet. Funny it seems, but by keeping it's dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air. Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared."- Tupac Shakur

All things can be done, and nothing is ever impossible. I've always loved that poem from Tupac Shakur; I always felt like a rose for the most part that had grew out of concrete. Considering I am a product of the concrete jungles of NYC; I am very familiar with the roses whom no one takes time to care about. Most little girls coming from where I am from are roses but not all of them get the chance to walk. Why don't they---sadly; enough some of them never get a real chance to live; others are sick from the ill's of those responsible for nurturing their young buds; and others are broken & lost from the misfortune of the cards they have been dealt.

Now its easy to be a rose but how many roses can grow from concrete?--not many. The regimen necessary for such a thing to happen is not an easy undertaking and only the strong can maintain the task. I can tell you how to do it but it will be your decision if you decide to take the challenge.

How to make a rose grow out of concrete: (forces outside of the rose)

  • sow seeds of moral value, fertilize the ground of the rose with confidence, self-esteem, encouragement, and a strong belief system.

  • water the rose with positive criticism, encouragement, and understanding

  • capture the rose in your rays; Providing strength, determination, and strong aspirations.

*be a good green thumb and nurture by giving and setting good examples, and providing high levels of encouragement.

How to make a rose grow our of concrete (for the rose whom no-one cares)

  • Believe in your goal and deepest aspirations

  • Find someone to identify with; they can be someone you know or someone you may never meet. Identify with them, get to know them, and compare their values to your own

  • let the rays of others weather they are positive or negative clothe you with a strong exterior. The stronger the exterior the more likely you are to fight the wind chills on a cold winter day without withering away.

  • All negative encounters must be reflected at all cost. If any weeds come into your garden you banish them.

  • Lastly have faith; if you believe that you can you will. You have to walk with no regard to the fact that you have no feet. find something to believe in and be strong to the values you have outlined for yourself.
only you can master your fate and because you can; you are able to do the impossible. We have been blessed with the ability to obtain a faith that can conquer all. Our faith is limited by what we choose to believe. We have a power that is stronger than all things when we believe and have faith in our aspirations.
If your rose has made its entrance already walking into the world; defeating the laws of nature it is now your responsibility to nurture all the roses that are growing in adverse environments. They are not all strong enough to nurture themselves they need someone to reach into there life from time to time to help them mend the weeds, and tame the passersby whom may step on them.

"I believe there is 3 things you need in this life in order to conquer all things. Confidence, faith, and spirituality are the the weapons to win any fight. Confidence gives you the strength to step out and go for anything; faith gives you the ability to believe you can; and spirituality maintained your beliefs and fortifies your strength making you strong enough to conquer all things."

Friday, October 19

Daily Meditation- Frustration

So this morning-- I woke up; blindly got dressed and stumbled out of the house at about 10am. I was late, frazzled, and quite frustrated. As I realized that holding on to this frustration may take my day on a downward spiral; I inhaled, exhaled and let the negative vibrations out. I got on the train; read; and strolled with no regard to time to my office. I refused to allow myself to become frustrated and ruin this height of optimism I had been resting on.
Now let me explain to you just why I was frustrated----BLOGGING. I have been trying to understand this thing and working on trying to figure out the best way to display my work; forgetting that I had so much work to turn over, edit, and categorize; I begun to lose my mind. Actually I am not ashamed to say; I think I was quite close to being admitted to the asylum, lol.

Sometimes we wing out and try new things. We are so unfamiliar with the complexity of what we have taking on that we become frazzled, overwhelmed, and frustrated. Now as if that energy was not enough in addition we are anxious, determined, and passionate [otherwise we would not even bother]. So do you see the problem yet? Our energy is getting thrown out of whack.
Its like being happy, sad, grieving, and excited all at the same time. Our energy is battling and our nerves are rattled; now what do we do. We start to panic or worse we start demanding these absurd results out of ourselves.

So I had identified the method to my madness now I had to find a solution or-- I would have been on the brink of a psychotic breakdown; I am quite sure of that. So how can we maintain this energetic overload and bring ourselves back down to a level in which we can manage our energy. Well I began to think about things that bring me peace and as I did that; strolled down the block; and took deep breathe after deep breathe; the energy waned down.

When you find yourself feeling like you are a candidate for a strait jacket; try some of the following things they work, believe me. I am so often overwhelmed with energy I have had to learn how to balance them.

  • Take a deep inhalation through your nose and exhale out of your mouth; or if you are walking like I was exhale out of your nose; however there is a catch. When you exhale you have to imagine all the toxic energy exiting your body; forcefully exhale releasing these energies until you feel relieved. you should feel as if you just dropped a couple pounds; if done right you will feel light as a feather. (note: toxic energy is not always the energies we associate with 'negativity'; toxic energy can be an immense amount of passion, if that is the case you have release some of that as well.)
  • If you are at home and have time. Brew a cup of tea; preferably peppermint, chamomile, and depending on your personality cinnamon. (recently I brewed a chamomile tea with a stick of cinnamon to calm my nerves and it gave me the most serene feeling I have every felt) As you drink your tea inhale the vapors and concentrate on the taste of your tea. As you swallow your tea close your eyes and breathe slowly. Trust me it is quite relaxing.
  • Last but not least if you are in motion. Distract yourself completely. This method may take a while depending on how much energy you are holding on to. look at the birds, the squirrels; all the creatures of nature. Look at them in awe and you should mellow out.

These are a couple of the things I do; that have worked for me. Many people probably do them as well but these three by far have achieved the most acclaim from me..

So the next time your on edge; take a break and mellow out.

Thursday, October 18

Gifted--Something to Think About

The lord gives us gifts; each our very own. These beautiful, powerful, one of kind talents that he gives us are essential in understanding who we are. If you take your gifts for granted he will surely take it back. Our talents are not additions to who we are they are the manual to who we are. They are milestones etched into our identity and without them we are bare; much like fingertips without prints.
We are given only one chance at life; to live and be naked is a disgrace to that which the lord has given us for clothing. Knowledge, creativity, and free-will are a few of the cashmere sweaters he has laid at our feet. Adorn yourself with all the lord has given you. Embrace your talents and place; in this miraculous world. Your gifts are real. The ‘parable of the talents’ warns us of what may come from burying our ‘talents’. Have you buried your? You still have time to embrace your talents; but time withers away and it can never be replaced.

Daily Reflection

Tell Me Something Beautiful:

Tell me that I will live forever.
Tell me we never die.
Tell me all people are truthful
And no one lies

Tell me that the dead bird in the street is sleeping
And that stray cat has a home
Tell me that no one is homeless
And we all have somewhere to go
Tell me the sun shines all day and all night
Tell me the trees don’t wither and die
Tell me there is no such thing as poverty
Tell me we all have equal rights
Tell me that cages are meant for animals
All inmates are set free tonight
Tell me the icons of beauty look just like me
Tell me that beauty is more than skin deep
Tell me their no despair in living
Tell me there is no need to fear
Tell me mother is still living and
My grandma is braiding her hair
Tell me I don’t have to pinch pennies
The lucky numbers are right here
Tell me I can afford shelter
For all my siblings to share
Tell me my brother is free
No longer moving for the fast things
Tell me lord that things will get better
Bring forth my enlightening

I haven’t written a poem in a while but as I sat on the train today I started to question two things; beauty and living. In questioning life I was able to see something beautiful within the good and bad. If things didn’t go south every now and again how would we know to appreciate when things go right? Sometimes life brings patches of darkness but it is our will and strength that will bring forth light. You have to believe that a change will come, and things will be better, because a run of bad fortune can’t be all that life has to offer. When things get bad close your eyes, envision what would make it better, take a deep inhale and as you exhale let out the negative POV and inhale a grander, positive prospective and all things will fall into place in due time.
Let me speak from experience; I am still on this bumpy journey and there are many days I move in darkness but there is an undying, never fearful, ultra-demanding part of me that will not allow myself to be nocturnal forever; and with that I believe that I will come upon the light. I warn you that I will not inhale negativity and if I must fight in the darkness for many years to come; at the end I will triumph. I may approach the light; bloody, bruised, and scared; on bended knees and with a bleeding heart but I will approach the light.

Wednesday, October 17

Works in Progress

Progress: "growth or development; continuous improvement (dictionary.com)"

When I decided--rather when the winds blew unto me a couple of weeks ago there was a couple things that were said. First, I was told to look inward myself and embrace my life experience. Second; I was told to share my life experience with hopes to empower and encourage those whom which I speak to. Lastly; I was told to forgive myself and acknowledge that I am not perfect; it is my faults which make me whole. As I thought about these words of wisdom and how they had come upon me I was coerced into deep meditation. Two things came to heart; had I not embrace my life experience thus far?–and- Had I not forgiven my own plights, deeds, and thinking? I never questioned the notion of talking to others. --Considering, that I was frequently advised to ‘shut-up' in my youth; because to some I simply talked to much I never thought it unbecoming for me to be a public speaker or writer. But, the thing that I did question was my ability to handle my life experiences and what had they done to or for me.

Was I made stronger by them, was I made a victim, was I holding on to them, or had I let them go along time ago. The deep thought necessary for me to accurately reflect on such things made me anxious but, in the same moment conjured up a passion deep inside of me that I had not felt in a while. Reflecting on such things gave me an uncanny and quite overwhelming feeling of growth. However, with growth comes questioning and with questioning come growth; it is quite a round about circle of development if you ask me.

I felt weird and empowered all at once to think of such things. But, now these questions needed answers---
Had I not embraced my life experiences? Well I had written about them on several occasions, I had shared them in forums over the years, I had used them to motivate some of my friends and relatives from time to time. But, had I truly embraced them. Embrace(took time to reflect on this word, itself)---did I willingly accept my past experiences; at that moment I had to say that I accepted them but, it wasn’t always willingly. Survival can sometimes can be relative to the things you necessarily want to do; but you do what you must do to survive, and that I had. I put many of the painful experiences to the back of my mind and when they would re-surface I would do whatever it took to make them vacate the premises. I had not accepted them I had tolerated them at all cost.
Wow---with that I felt enlightened but then came the questions, how do I accept them? To tell you the truth I am still working on that.

What I can say is that I have made an attempt. “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”-Kahlil Gibrand. Yes, I am scarred but I am not ashamed; I wear my hurts as a badge of honor, and they have made me stronger. To make an attempt may very well be the action first necessary in order to further my acceptance of such pains. Maybe; in this moment I am embracing them, I may not know until days gone and I reflect once more.

Lastly, had I not forgiven my own plight, deeds, and thoughts? Well with one comes the other if I can admittedly accept my life experience in the same breathe I should be able to forgive myself. If the Lord can forgive me; what’s to say of me, if I cannot forgive myself.

"For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."-Heb 8:12(NIV). He will forgive us of our ways then he forgets our ways. We shall not be in denial; denial is not an act of acceptance. We must accept, forgive, then let rest (forget) in that order; at least that is what I believe.

I am not perfect no human is. We must confess our transgressions. In confession we are first made aware; in the act of confessing there is faith; as we confess we have repented; and our Father forgives all those whom repent. If you repent with your whole heart in that very moment the Lord has showed you the way to forgive yourself as he forgives you.

We are works in progress; learning more with each passing day about the world, ourselves, and our spirituality. If there is no progress what is there to judge of a stagnant character; asides from the fact that he is stagnant? Like seeds we must sprout into trees, "But when it [seed] is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it". -Mark 4:32. I am and will forever remain a work in progress;However, I am not under construction. I am not building something new instead I am sowing the soil of my own development.

My grass is green; I water it so that it may be greener. Is your grass green, enough?

Sometimes You Have to Walk in Someone Else’s Shoes to Find Your Sole

As young women we have a tendency to look at others and imagine just what it would feel like to walk in their shoes for a day. Growing up my grandmother would always tell me to get out of her shoes. When I would come home each and everyday I had grown accustomed to putting on her huge slippers and walking around the house. She wore a size 11 and I wore a meager size 5; but it made no difference. Her shoes were big but somewhere inside I believed I could walk in her shoes. When she would catch me she would tell me; “I have some large shoes to fill” I would always laugh and continue to track around the house in the beautiful boats that my feet had grown so accustomed to. As I got older and continued this ritual it began to really make sense. I wanted to be her; I walked in her shoes everyday after school because I admired her and felt that if I could just walk in her shoes I could be like her.

We were very much a like; we had the same first name, loved to help others, and were genuine to each new person we encountered. She always had a story to tell, and I, always had a story to write. Walking in her shoes gave me a little insight into who she was in a figurative sense. She wore her shoes well but I always wondered had she really walked in her own shoes? If she had truly wore her shoes and hers alone she would have to have been superwoman. You see she came to America at the age of 21 with no friends, relatives, and little direction. She had undergone much hardship in her home across the seas and God had viewed her favorably and provided her with options of being bigger then what the island had dreamed her to be. She made a career in helping others. She made others happy by making them look good as she designed fresh digs, and administered beautiful styles of the ethnic mane. She worked in housing and supported those who couldn’t speak up for themselves against slumlords. She raised her 4 children as a single parent after her husband’s demise; and sent three of them off to college. She later raised 4 grandchildren from her youngest daughter and assisted with rearing the children of her other offspring. She was a nurturer, medium, genuine friend, and empathetic individual. Her shoes would be large for me to fill, but they would never be too big for me to aspire to.

In life most times our aspirations come from somewhere outside of ourselves. There is nothing wrong with aspiring to be just like your mother, grandmother, Mrs. O your 7th grade teacher or any other female you find favorable. However; as we aspire to be like our role models sometimes we forget to look at the soles of our shoes and congratulate ourselves for the things that we have achieved. Our aspirations are the goal, but it is each step that we take in this finite life which will later map out the paths of our soles. We often aspire to walk in others shoes and that is well and good; let that be your motivator; yet never forget the strides you have made and eventually you will see that the motivator (someone else’s shoes) will be the soiled foundation which your own two feet will stand. As both shoes sit side by side you may be a lot a like but it is the path you have taken that will always differ. So imagine yourself in ‘grandmas’ shoes and identify your own path.

My Blessed Dedication to My Readers

These are my inspirational and motivational entries; produced solely by me and by way of my own mind. All entries are products that I have penned; these are my thoughts, views, and opinions that I have decided to share with the public in hopes that my life experiences and acquired knowledge may inspire, motivate, or uplift my readers. If I promote anything it is because I truly believe it is something worth wild to promote. My fab tools are tools that I have found to be inspirational and I have used to arrive at this place in my life. Understand that I do not publish my entries as a way to advertise myself as anything more than human; and with only the intention to share my journey with those whom choose to take part in my experience. I hope that my entries can be as inspirational to you as they have been to me; and I hope as you read you learn to judge the content not the writer; for no one is to judge or he will be judged at the same measure;

"....if you are without sin, then cast the first stone" John8:7.

This is a place for inspirational and motivational reflections not religious or spiritual bigotry.

"My story can inspire another and knowing that makes each effort worthwhile"

- Enid 'ink' Middleton