Monday, October 22

"Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk with out having feet. Funny it seems, but by keeping it's dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air. Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared."- Tupac Shakur

All things can be done, and nothing is ever impossible. I've always loved that poem from Tupac Shakur; I always felt like a rose for the most part that had grew out of concrete. Considering I am a product of the concrete jungles of NYC; I am very familiar with the roses whom no one takes time to care about. Most little girls coming from where I am from are roses but not all of them get the chance to walk. Why don't they---sadly; enough some of them never get a real chance to live; others are sick from the ill's of those responsible for nurturing their young buds; and others are broken & lost from the misfortune of the cards they have been dealt.

Now its easy to be a rose but how many roses can grow from concrete?--not many. The regimen necessary for such a thing to happen is not an easy undertaking and only the strong can maintain the task. I can tell you how to do it but it will be your decision if you decide to take the challenge.

How to make a rose grow out of concrete: (forces outside of the rose)

  • sow seeds of moral value, fertilize the ground of the rose with confidence, self-esteem, encouragement, and a strong belief system.

  • water the rose with positive criticism, encouragement, and understanding

  • capture the rose in your rays; Providing strength, determination, and strong aspirations.

*be a good green thumb and nurture by giving and setting good examples, and providing high levels of encouragement.

How to make a rose grow our of concrete (for the rose whom no-one cares)

  • Believe in your goal and deepest aspirations

  • Find someone to identify with; they can be someone you know or someone you may never meet. Identify with them, get to know them, and compare their values to your own

  • let the rays of others weather they are positive or negative clothe you with a strong exterior. The stronger the exterior the more likely you are to fight the wind chills on a cold winter day without withering away.

  • All negative encounters must be reflected at all cost. If any weeds come into your garden you banish them.

  • Lastly have faith; if you believe that you can you will. You have to walk with no regard to the fact that you have no feet. find something to believe in and be strong to the values you have outlined for yourself.
only you can master your fate and because you can; you are able to do the impossible. We have been blessed with the ability to obtain a faith that can conquer all. Our faith is limited by what we choose to believe. We have a power that is stronger than all things when we believe and have faith in our aspirations.
If your rose has made its entrance already walking into the world; defeating the laws of nature it is now your responsibility to nurture all the roses that are growing in adverse environments. They are not all strong enough to nurture themselves they need someone to reach into there life from time to time to help them mend the weeds, and tame the passersby whom may step on them.

"I believe there is 3 things you need in this life in order to conquer all things. Confidence, faith, and spirituality are the the weapons to win any fight. Confidence gives you the strength to step out and go for anything; faith gives you the ability to believe you can; and spirituality maintained your beliefs and fortifies your strength making you strong enough to conquer all things."

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